Table of Contents
I - Introduction
II - Deck
III - Strategies/Description
IIII - Closing Statements
I - Introduction
Zombies, once supreme rulers of the metagame, have now been hit and weakened. They have had little to no showings in top events lately, but I plan to change that. Zombies focus on the grave (Grave Control) and abusing plaguespreader and mezuki to synchro and gain constant +1's.
Gadgets are the kings of Anti - Meta, and are usually used to splash into Anti Meta decks and machina. They generate constant plusses, and have such allowed them to top many events.
These two decks, usually thought to have no compatibility, have now been combined
II - Deck List
Monsters 24
[3] Zombie Master
[3] Pyramid Turtle
[3] Goblin Zombie
[2] Green Gadget
[2] Red Gadget
[2] Yellow Gadget
[2] Spirit Reaper
[2] Cyber Dragon
[1] Mezuki
[1] Plaguespreader Zombie
[1] Ryko, Lightsworn
[1] Dark Armed Dragon
[1] Sangan
Spells 11
[3] Enemy Controller
[2] Book of Life
[2] Mystical Space Typhoon
[1] Monster Reborn
[1] Dark Hole
[1] Foolish Burial
[1] Book of Moon
Traps 5
[2] Bottomless Trap Hole
[1] Call of the Haunted
[1] Torrential Tribute
[1] Mirror Force
III - Discussion and Strategies
This Build may look strange. You may be thinking
3.Pyramid Turtles?
3 Goblin Zombies?
3 Enemy Controller?
All very justified thoughts. But the triple Pyramid Turtle and triple Goblin Zombie are important. They search all the key pieces used for my plays, allowing me to explode, aswell as making the destruction of my monster a solid 0 or +1 instead of a -1. They help me keep Hand and Field Advantage/Control.
Triple Enemy controller is important aswell. They are either
A.) Brain Control with a bigger cost
B.) Nerfed Book of Moon
Either way, it helps to use them. I can gain +1's and such by sacrificing Goblin Zombie and Sangan, and also get some key cards in grave such as mezuki while also taking an opponets monster.
The main point of this deck is to gain constant +1's and eventually explode via Zombie Master, Plague, Mezuki, and the gadgets. The gadgets keep hand advantage to discard for Zombie Master. Then i spam synchros. One tuner, but this tuner is so expandable and revivable its not even funny. Spirit reapers allow lvl 5 synchros aswell as an airbellum/marshmallon fusion.
Key cards for this deck Are Zombie Master, Gadgets, Mezuki, and Plague. The side deck shall remain a secret, aswell as the extra deck, due to the fact im heading to another regional soon. Common counters to this deck include Anti-Meta, Consecrated Light, Pulling the rug, Herald, and the always imminent True Six Samurai. This deck plays well against many of the common meta decks.
This deck is brought to you by both Leader) and A friend of his.
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