So every week i will be posting a deck that has caught my attention. it may not be competitive but it has that creative aspect that i admire. It can
be a deck i made, a deck a friend made, or a random one submitted to my blog. Deck of the weeks will be posted Monday. This Sunday one is
to Introduce my readers to This Segment. When i get more veiwers and followers and such, The card of the week will be started on tuesday. I will review a card I have noticed that Catchs my attention and be done on Tuesday. DECK OF THE WEEK MONDAY WILL BE HOMUNCULUS HEROES.
[3] Gazzele KOMB
[3] Beformet
[3] King of the Swamp
[3] PBCross-Wing
[3] PB Thunder-Pegasus
[3] PB Wild-Horn
[3] E-Hero Woodsman
[2] PB Rock Lizard
[3] Polymerzation
[3] Centrifugal Field
[2] PoA
[2] Monster Reincarnation
[1] Fusion Sage
[1] Future Fusion
[1] Foolish Burial
[1] Monster Reborn
[3] Paradox Fusion
[3] Chimera the flying KOMB
[3] CFD
[2] SD
[1] Brionac
[1] Catastor
[1] SSD
[1] RDA
[1] Collosal
[1] Mist Wurm
[1] Formula Synchron

This week, I have a deck that me and my friends made. This is a Chimera deck. The deck focuses on spamming the field with Gazzele, when he dies using Centrifugal
and His effect to get back both of the fusion materials. Use E-Hero woodsman to recover polymerazation and get them. Fusion sage is another polymerization
searcher. The Phantom Beasts are because of the fact Gazzele is a phantom beast. This deck focuses on using there effects to help us achieve our goal and
also keep control. Phantom Beast cross-Wing is for those small additions to your attack that help you kill those like 200 more attack monsters. Phantom
Beast Wild-Horn is for that piercing damage you would wish you had when your opponet goes and summons Spirit Reaper or Arcana Force 0. Phantom Beast
Thunder-Pegasus is for a nice 2k defender and a free 0 battle Damage. Phantom Beast Rock-Lizard is Self explanatory.
Elec-ist, Ssj4Pikachu, And Deck Creator from Pojo
Hey, it's PoD from Pojo (The Yu-Gi-Oh! Pro is just my Blogger name) if you want another author to write for your blog I can. :)