Today, i have a new article.It is just a few words, but it has updates and info.
To get to the point, im gonna be inactive till Saturday because of school and the contest is post-poned until further notice.
Your's Truly,
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Boom Boom Fire Power Deck + Update's
Hey guys, Today i have my MachinaTown Deck.First, I would like you guys to do a Social Vibe activity thing.Its for a good cause.Second, Im having a contest.The winner gets a Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem sighned by Little Kuriboh.Details on the contest will be posted Tommorow.I might be a little less active due to school, so be ready.A new entry in the blog will be posted every 1-2 Days, unless stated otherwise.Finally, If you need a shotout, put it on the cbox.Give me a shoutout and il give you one.Anyways...Onto the deck.
Boom Boom Fire Power - MachinaTown, September 1st 2010
Monsters - 21
Machina Gearframe x3
Machina Fortress x3
Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon x3
Cyber Dragon x2
Yellow Gadget x2
Green Gadget x2
Red Gadget x2
Battle Fader x2
Morphing Jar x1
Machina Force x1
Spell's - 12
Geartown x3
Mystical Space Typhoon x2
Smashing Ground x2
Giant Trunade x1
Overload Fusion x1
Monster Reborn x1
Dark Hole x1
Limiter Removal x1
Trap's - 8
Bottomless Trap Hole x2
Dust Tornado x1
Magic Drain x1
Royal Oppression x1
Torrential Tribute x1
Magical Hats x1
That's the build.You can R/F from the Cbox or put your comments below.Dont forget to subscribe to my youtube channel, FtwTeamWar
Boom Boom Fire Power - MachinaTown, September 1st 2010
Monsters - 21
Machina Gearframe x3
Machina Fortress x3
Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon x3
Cyber Dragon x2
Yellow Gadget x2
Green Gadget x2
Red Gadget x2
Battle Fader x2
Morphing Jar x1
Machina Force x1
Spell's - 12
Geartown x3
Mystical Space Typhoon x2
Smashing Ground x2
Giant Trunade x1
Overload Fusion x1
Monster Reborn x1
Dark Hole x1
Limiter Removal x1
Trap's - 8
Bottomless Trap Hole x2
Dust Tornado x1
Magic Drain x1
Royal Oppression x1
Torrential Tribute x1
Magical Hats x1
That's the build.You can R/F from the Cbox or put your comments below.Dont forget to subscribe to my youtube channel, FtwTeamWar
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Machina, A Cinderella Story Part 2

This is a continuation of Machina, A Cinderella Story.
Quick shout out's to holyfukballz on youtube.Subscribe to him.
As i was saying, lets begin.
Aggro Machina
Aggro Machina is a Machina deck that is much more aggresive than Machina Geartown.This deck focus's on the One Turn Kill strategy, Using Scrap Recycler, Solidarity, and Machina Fortress.
Solidarity is a continuous spell card that increases monsters by 800 atk points if there is only 1 type of originally printed monster in the grave.The monster's that get the boost must be the same type.
A example of this is Machina Fortress in the graveyard with Scrap Recycler face up on the field.Scrap Recycler gains 800 atk points.Utilizing the effect's of Machina Fortress to put machine type monster's in the grave, this can create very large gadgets.Some varients of the deck run Ultimate Offering because it can spam gadgets and +1's.Though this is smart, it should not be the deck's only win condition.
Machina Stun
This deck might as well be called anti-meta Machina.This deck will utilize the best parts of the Machina arch-type, and also play cards like Doomcaliber Knight, Banisher of Radiance, and the renowned Thunder King Rai-Oh.With cards like these, your opponet cannot make any moves.Ive seen a very effective synchro varient of this that main Summoner Monk, Rota, and 3 Rose, Warrior of Revenge and it 6-0d my Counter Caster's.This is the main Machina deck to watch out for this format, so be weiry.
Last, But for sure not least, Control Machina
Control Machina is argueably one of the best varients.This deck generate's constant plus +1's aswell as controls the game.This is very much like the stun, except no doomcal's and no banisher's.This deck WILL main 2-3 Battle Fader, so be weary. aswell as might randomly tech cards like Creature Swap and Zombie World.This deck loves gadget and 1-4-1 cards.
Decent deck.
I hope you all enjoyed my two part segment on Machina, So Peace.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Machina, a Cinderella Story
Today, I have some words on Machina.Shoutouts to Kaioken591 and Kaioken0591 on youtube.Pokemon, yugioh, and megaman guys.Subsribe to them.
Without Further Adoo...
Machina and the Meta Today
Machina was an arch-type released in March-April 2010 from Structure deck 18:Machina Mayhem.They are a brilliant arch-type and were not hit by the september 1st 2010 banlist.The reason behind this?They are not dominating in Japan.If you are a decent yugioh player, you should know Konami is not original.They have the same exact ban list as Japan.Sadly, that' why they did not touch X-Saber's.In Japan, Blackwing's were the meta.So thats what got hit the worst.Lets get back on track, Machina "Slipped under the radar".So now they are back to dominate the TCG and OCG alike.I dont keep up with the OCG, but from my understanding Machina should be tier 1 there.No Sabers, No Blackwings, No Frog FTK.Machina and Infernity's are most likely dominating the OCG.As I said, I have no clue.This is just a theory.Machina placed 3rd at YCS Toronto, which is a interesting feat.Last format they got Top 8 and Top 16 in U.S. Nationals.As i said in my X-Saber article, only time will tell.
Machina, The Arch-Type
Machina are a Arch-Type based on many things.They have builds that swarm, builds that synchro spam, build's that OTK aswell as other things.Here is a list of the best Machina build's for your own sakes.They are not in any order, so bear with me.
1.Salvo Machina
2.Machina Gadget
3.Machina Geartown
4.Machina Aggro
5.Machina Stun
6.Control Machina
7.Anti-Meta Machina
As you can see, the arch-type has many choices.I shall now divide this section into sub article's on how Salvo Machina, Machina Geartown, Aggro Machina, Control Machina, And Machina Gadget's are player
Salvo Machina
Salvo Machina is a relitivly new idea that players made when the September 1st banlist was announced.People didnt make this before because it didnt have a great way to clear the field.I shall break up what the main point's of this build are.
Synchro Spamming:This build LOVES to abuse salvo and dekoichi to synchro spam.With the recent unlimiting of Black Rose Dragon, a Dragon type monster that can blow up the field when synchro summoned.Other than Black Rose Dragon, some of this deck's favorite synchro's are Stardust Dragon, Collosal Fighter, Red Dragon Archfiend, Scrap Dragon, Goyo Guardian, Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier and Iron Chain Dragon.
Summoning Dad:Pretty self explanatory, like to summon Dark Armed Dragon
Summoning Machina Fortress:Again, pretty self explanatory.Likes to summon Machina Fortress and beat face.
Machina Geartown
Machina Geartown, a deck that mixes the Ancient Gear arch-type and the Machina arch-type, is a very aggressive deck.This deck like's to summon big beater's quickly through the effect's of Geartown and Machina Fortress.Not much else about the deck.
Will be continued tommorow....
Without Further Adoo...
Machina and the Meta Today
Machina was an arch-type released in March-April 2010 from Structure deck 18:Machina Mayhem.They are a brilliant arch-type and were not hit by the september 1st 2010 banlist.The reason behind this?They are not dominating in Japan.If you are a decent yugioh player, you should know Konami is not original.They have the same exact ban list as Japan.Sadly, that' why they did not touch X-Saber's.In Japan, Blackwing's were the meta.So thats what got hit the worst.Lets get back on track, Machina "Slipped under the radar".So now they are back to dominate the TCG and OCG alike.I dont keep up with the OCG, but from my understanding Machina should be tier 1 there.No Sabers, No Blackwings, No Frog FTK.Machina and Infernity's are most likely dominating the OCG.As I said, I have no clue.This is just a theory.Machina placed 3rd at YCS Toronto, which is a interesting feat.Last format they got Top 8 and Top 16 in U.S. Nationals.As i said in my X-Saber article, only time will tell.
Machina, The Arch-Type
Machina are a Arch-Type based on many things.They have builds that swarm, builds that synchro spam, build's that OTK aswell as other things.Here is a list of the best Machina build's for your own sakes.They are not in any order, so bear with me.
1.Salvo Machina
2.Machina Gadget
3.Machina Geartown
4.Machina Aggro
5.Machina Stun
6.Control Machina
7.Anti-Meta Machina
As you can see, the arch-type has many choices.I shall now divide this section into sub article's on how Salvo Machina, Machina Geartown, Aggro Machina, Control Machina, And Machina Gadget's are player
Salvo Machina
Salvo Machina is a relitivly new idea that players made when the September 1st banlist was announced.People didnt make this before because it didnt have a great way to clear the field.I shall break up what the main point's of this build are.
Synchro Spamming:This build LOVES to abuse salvo and dekoichi to synchro spam.With the recent unlimiting of Black Rose Dragon, a Dragon type monster that can blow up the field when synchro summoned.Other than Black Rose Dragon, some of this deck's favorite synchro's are Stardust Dragon, Collosal Fighter, Red Dragon Archfiend, Scrap Dragon, Goyo Guardian, Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier and Iron Chain Dragon.
Summoning Dad:Pretty self explanatory, like to summon Dark Armed Dragon
Summoning Machina Fortress:Again, pretty self explanatory.Likes to summon Machina Fortress and beat face.
Machina Geartown
Machina Geartown, a deck that mixes the Ancient Gear arch-type and the Machina arch-type, is a very aggressive deck.This deck like's to summon big beater's quickly through the effect's of Geartown and Machina Fortress.Not much else about the deck.
Will be continued tommorow....
Thursday, September 9, 2010
X-Saber's and the Meta Now
First, Shoutout's.Shotout to Valafar123.Cool guy, gave me and my youtube team, FtwTeamWar, a shoutout.
Onto the blog.X-Sabers, Last year's meta dominators, have won YCS Toronto and a few of it's side events.Even though a majority of great duelist didnt go, it still show's X-Sabers did not get destroyed by the ban list.Most duelist thought X-Sabers would be tier 1.5 come September 1st.But, in reality, they pretty much went untouched.Dont take me wrong, the loss of cat probally hurt, but it did not knock them out as one of the best deck.Now they have room for a whole new range of ideas.They lost cat, but now added Debris Dragon.They can synchro spam BRD and so many others due to the new banlist, and now dont have to waste room searching for cat.Monster Reborn and Dark Hole increase X-Sabers greatly like they increased every other deck.Most X-Saber decks run 3 darksoul and 3 airbellum still, but now main 3 fullhelm and 3 Emmersblade for more of a toolbox like effect.Only time will tell how good saber's will be this format.Id wait, Say, 2 months into the format before being completly sure about the matter.
Side Deck AGAINST Sabers.
Sabers have a HUGE weakness to macro like card effects, so first you would side 3 Dimensional Fissure.Next, if you really hate Sabers, side 2 Gottom's Emergency Call.Finally, you could side some starlight/MBAAS to stop there BRD Spamming.Those things should help against the saber match.
Side Deck FOR Sabers.
Sabers have problems with barely any decks, aside from anti-meta, but its always good to be prepared.Against gb you could side 2 Mirror Of Oaths.That card is ultimatly a +1.Against quickdraw me and some people side MBAAS, Starlight Road, and De-Synchro.They have drill warrior?Unsync it and make your own.Against Machina you would side 1 System Down and some Cyber dragons's.Against Herald, Lava Golem, LIM, and Volcanic Queen.Debris-Hime and Black-Salvo are problems to the deck, but like quickdraw, MBAAS, Starlight Road, And De-Synchro should do the trick.Blackwings are not really meta any more, so thats done.And against anti-meta, side 1-4-1, S&T Destruction, And occasionaly some Imperial Iron Wall.With a strong built side utilizing these card, your X-Saber deck should Dominate.Dont take me wrong, theres other deck's.This covers most of the meta.Regarding De-Synchro, you get your own free synchro summon, thats amazing.
First, Shoutout's.Shotout to Valafar123.Cool guy, gave me and my youtube team, FtwTeamWar, a shoutout.
Onto the blog.X-Sabers, Last year's meta dominators, have won YCS Toronto and a few of it's side events.Even though a majority of great duelist didnt go, it still show's X-Sabers did not get destroyed by the ban list.Most duelist thought X-Sabers would be tier 1.5 come September 1st.But, in reality, they pretty much went untouched.Dont take me wrong, the loss of cat probally hurt, but it did not knock them out as one of the best deck.Now they have room for a whole new range of ideas.They lost cat, but now added Debris Dragon.They can synchro spam BRD and so many others due to the new banlist, and now dont have to waste room searching for cat.Monster Reborn and Dark Hole increase X-Sabers greatly like they increased every other deck.Most X-Saber decks run 3 darksoul and 3 airbellum still, but now main 3 fullhelm and 3 Emmersblade for more of a toolbox like effect.Only time will tell how good saber's will be this format.Id wait, Say, 2 months into the format before being completly sure about the matter.
Side Deck AGAINST Sabers.
Sabers have a HUGE weakness to macro like card effects, so first you would side 3 Dimensional Fissure.Next, if you really hate Sabers, side 2 Gottom's Emergency Call.Finally, you could side some starlight/MBAAS to stop there BRD Spamming.Those things should help against the saber match.
Side Deck FOR Sabers.
Sabers have problems with barely any decks, aside from anti-meta, but its always good to be prepared.Against gb you could side 2 Mirror Of Oaths.That card is ultimatly a +1.Against quickdraw me and some people side MBAAS, Starlight Road, and De-Synchro.They have drill warrior?Unsync it and make your own.Against Machina you would side 1 System Down and some Cyber dragons's.Against Herald, Lava Golem, LIM, and Volcanic Queen.Debris-Hime and Black-Salvo are problems to the deck, but like quickdraw, MBAAS, Starlight Road, And De-Synchro should do the trick.Blackwings are not really meta any more, so thats done.And against anti-meta, side 1-4-1, S&T Destruction, And occasionaly some Imperial Iron Wall.With a strong built side utilizing these card, your X-Saber deck should Dominate.Dont take me wrong, theres other deck's.This covers most of the meta.Regarding De-Synchro, you get your own free synchro summon, thats amazing.
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